Sunday, July 24, 2016

Liberian Daily Observer

                       Liberian Daily Observer

Officers of the Liberia National Police (LNP) have secured the premises of Ecobank-Liberia Limited in Kakata, Margibi County, after the bank went under assault by 10 outfitted men around 12:30 Sunday morning. The burglars purportedly outfitted with single barrel firearms and other lethal weapons, shot on cops who returned discharge on the aggressors. 

The shootout brought about the demise of the pack's ring pioneer just recognized as Akin, a Nigerian national. 

Associated, by, has been on the police needed rundown for a while for his claimed inclusion in a portion of the furnished theft occurrences particularly on managing an account organizations in Monrovia and its environs. 

In this most recent assault, Akin and his men entered the bank by cutting the bars of one of the windows close to the generator utilizing an oxygen tank and a saw edge. The shootout with LNP officers which followed left four of the looters injured. They were taken to the C. H. Rennie Hospital in the 

Margibi County where unverified reports say the thieves are in basic condition. 

The injured suspects incorporate Samuel David, 29, who was a piece of keep going November's assault on Equatorial Palm, police said. He was on past events accused of equipped theft, and was imprisoned at the Grand Bassa Prison Center, however got away under questionable circumstances. 

The others are Alex Yakpawolo, 33, who told police he was selected by Akin as the driver for the operation; Junior Johnson, 35, and Abraham Doe, 34. 

The looters harmed the bank's nearby circuit (CCTV) camera, and the computerized teller machine (ATM) server. 

A discharge from the LNP said a high alarm has been issued by the police in the area looking for the staying five suspects said to have been holding up in an escape car. 

The LNP has educated inhabitants of Margibi County not to give safehouses to the got away criminals who are being sought after by law implementation officers, cautioning that anybody harboring them will be captured and accused of outfitted theft. 

The LNP said in spite of the drawdown of the UN Mission and the logistical requirements combined with low budgetary bolster confronting the police, it will keep on providing proficient administrations to people in general. 

The LNP has guaranteed the business group of its fullest insurance from offenders and called for data offering to the police. 

A few occupants of Kakata City who went by the scene of the occurrence praised the police for their brief intercession that spared the bank from being ransacked. 

In the interim, the business driver, who guaranteed that he was employed by the group's ring pioneer, has admitted to his inclusion. Suspect Yarkpawolo advised journalists that Akin persuaded him to join the gathering to break into the Kakata Ecobank branch to end up rich. 

He said before the July 24 endeavor, Akin purportedly procured six security watches from the surely understood firm Security Expert Agency of Liberia (SEGAL), which is relegated at the Ecobank Kakata Branch. Through that game plan, suspect Yarkpawolo said SEGAL security gatekeepers were allegedlyproviding the posse with standard data about the bank and when their arranged theft ought to produce results. 

While all the while, he said Akin acquired travel permits for the six SEGAL security monitors with the understanding that after their central goal succeeded the watchmen would leave the nation. 

He supposedly named Alline Gerald, SEGAL-Kakata shift administrator as one of the six watchmen he could recognize by name. He conceded knowing whatever is left of the five watchmen, yet not by name. 

As indicated by their course of action, suspect Yarkpawolo said the SEGAL protects consented to recognize the associates upon the exchange with government month to month compensations to the bank. 

He said, on Saturday July 23, the suspects were told by Akin that the mission was prepared and that they ought to move to Kakata. At around 8 p.m. he said, the SEGAL security protects (three in uniform and three in muftis) escorted them and figured out how to slice the chain to the indirect access of the bank where they entered. 

While dealing with their way to the bank's vault, clarified suspect Yarkpawolo, the SEGAL watches frightened that cops were around. 

As far as concerns him, think Junior Johnson, a scraps and iron merchant at the Iron Factory, said from the earliest starting point he never knew anything about the arranged bank burglary. He however conceded that he was reached by Akin to meet him in Kakata to cut a few irons. Suspect Johnson further expressed that upon landing in Kakata, he alongside alternate suspects were taken to the bank around evening time where he was constrained by Akin and the others, including the affirmed six SEGAL watchmen, to break into the bank. 

As per him, it was the SEGAL monitors who guided the looters to where the keys to the safe were kept. 

In response to the burglars' cases, SEGAL CEO/General Manager, Momo T. Cyrus, denied his security watchmen's association in the endeavored robbery at the Ecobank Kakata branch. 

He said it was the brief, proficient activity of SEGAL watches that evoked the quick reaction of the police to the assault. He said the burglars traversed the wall and entered the bank's compound through the back after which SEGAL watches raised the caution provoking quick state security intercession.

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